About US

Spirit Rising's mission is to challenge beings to explore themselves through the Ancient Ways. We do this by providing a variety of drums, rattles, plants, crystals and more.

We value integrity, authenticity, quality, sustainability & fair trade. We are honored to have been taught how to teach others to connect with mother earths heartbeat through the drum. Spirit Risings team is not full blooded Native American and does not have an official tribe affiliation. Michael and Angela honor the teachings of their ancestors, mentors, spirit and mother earth. Angela is blessed to be part Native (5%) of the Bridge River Indian Band, also known as the Xwisten First Nation of Canada. 

Spirit Rising is owned & operated by Michael & Angela Canady. Please watch this 15-minute video to learn more about us and what we do.

Angela Canady
Advanced ThetaHealer®, Journey Dance Host, Meditation Guide, Herbalist, Reiki Master/Teacher

Angela started practicing energy work for over 20 years. Using her intuition, training and assistance from her Guides; she will guide you through a journey into yourself to rewrite your old stories into a life that you are passionate about and in love with.

If you could change something in your life right now, what would it be? 
Anxiety? Lack of Love, Confidence, Power? Resentment? Abundance Blocks? Fear? Control? The list goes on and on!

As we experience life, we learn programs & defense mechanisms that aren’t always beneficial to us as adults. Angela will guide you into a dream state meditation, connecting to God/Goddess/Spirit/Source. This is where instant healing happens!
She will go to the root of the issue and pull it out, canceling & deleting it on all levels, times, spaces, & dimensions. Then the soul is instilled with the opposite feeling, with what it’s like to live every day with Divine perspective and understanding. This is integrated into every cell, atom, & molecule of the body.

A confidential session is 45-60 minutes. It typically includes:

  • ThetaHealing®
  • an Intuitive Scan
  • Belief Work
  • Soul Fragment Retrieval
  • Spirit Drumming
  • Reiki
  • Attachment Removal
  • Connection with your Guides
How to get the most out of your session:
Be Hydrated.
Have an Intention.
Be committed to seeing a positive shift in your life.
You do NOT need to be “good at meditating” for this energy work to be effective!

  • Reiki 1 Certified: 2002
  • 2017 - 2019 - Apprenticed to Shipibo trained Ayahuasca Shaman Anita Scott, specializing in Plant Vapor Baths & Herbal Remedies. Also studied methods of Sandra Ingerman, Alberto Villoldo, Jim Pathfinder & Michael Harner.
  • Ordained Minister of Universal Life Church July 2018
  • Usui Reiki Ryoho 1 & 2 Certified: September 2018 By Wayne Lee Blanchette
  • Usui Reiki Ryoho Advanced Reiki Training: July 2019, Wayne Lee Blanchette
  • Usui Reiki Ryoho Master Training: Margi Nichols, LMT, July 2019
  • ThetaHealing® Basic Practitioner Certified: May 2021 - www.thetahealing.com
  • Roots of Herbalism Graduate: July 2021 and countless extra study hours
  • ThetaHealing® Advanced Practitioner Certified September 2021
  • Journey Dance Facilitator - Learn more at www.journeydance.com
  • Certified Drum Creation Guide & Creator May 2022 by Pathdrummer

"ThetaHealing® and ThetaHealer® are registered trademarks of THInK at www.thetahealing.com"

Michael Canady
Experience the transformative power of Energy Work with Michael - where ancient techniques and plant medicines come together to cleanse your soul and transmute negative energies into pure love.

Energy Work with Michael is a transformative experience that will leave you feeling revived and renewed. With his expertise in shamanic training, spirit drumming, and plant medicine, Michael can guide you through a cleansing journey to free yourself from negative energy and enhance your spiritual connection. His approach involves transmutation of negativity into positivity by using powerful tools like sound healing and meditation techniques. Whether it's dealing with past traumas or releasing emotional blocks, this energy work offers deep insights into the power of the human mind-body-spirit complex for personal growth and well-being. Trust us when we say, Michael's expertise in Energy Work is truly unparalleled!

Michael Canady 

Medicine Man, Intuitive, Spirit Drum Creator & Workshop Guide

Mike sees beyond the mask you present to others. He recognizes who you are and who you could be if you let go of everything holding you back. He can help you shift your energy so that you can step into who you truly are. Often, this means removing something that's limiting you, possibly entities, attachments, and energetic cords.

He combines his passion for plant medicines & indigenous tools with his shamanic training, past life memories, spirit drumming, and connection with his Spirit Guides to aid in your healing process. He uses Agua de Florida, Sacred Tobacco, and sometimes rapeh as he works with you.

  • 2017 - 2019 - Apprenticed to Shipibo trained Ayahuasca Shaman Anita Scott, specializing in working with Mapacho, Ayahuasca, and doing Cleanses. 
  • Ordained Minister of Universal Life Church July 2018
  • Usui Reiki Ryoho 1 Certified: September 2019 by Angela Canady
  • Usui Reiki Ryoho 2 Certified January 2020 by by Angela Canady
  • May 2022 - Certified Drum Creation Guide & Creator by Pathdrummer

Schedule a session now!

Regular sessions are $1 per minute, usually lasting between 45-60 minutes.

Mini sessions at events are $20 for 15 minutes. 

Legal Disclaimer
(Sessions are for Entertainment Purposes Only)Everything said is subject to interpretation and should not be taken as Absolute.  Nothing is 100% accurate. No guarantee can be given as to the accuracy or effect of spiritual guidance given by Spirit Rising Florida, LLC.  A session does not replace Professional Medical/Legal/Business Opinion and Advice. It will not Force you to follow a particular Course of Action, or attempt to exert any form of Control over your Free-Will and Common Sense.  The contents of a session are not legally binding.  Any Decisions made, or Actions taken by you as a result are your sole Responsibility and have not been Forced Upon You, by me, your Guide. I assume no legal liability for any damages, losses, or other consequences of any client decisions, subsequent to, or based on, my sessions.  Please use your own Common Sense and Judgment at all times. It is only with the Complete Understanding and Acceptance of the above that your session will take place.