What rawhide drum is the right one as a spirit drum?

We believe that each animal offers it's own spirit to those that are willing to accept and honor it's medicine. Our drums are hand-crafted with this in our hearts and minds.

We suggest that you first sit with the animal you want to work with in meditation to ask it what it offers you. A shamanic drum journey is one really helpful way to do that. Sometimes, it's nice to just see what other people have learned. Our guides have shown us a few things that each of our drum options have to share with us. We would LOVE to hear your insights and experiences in the comments below.

Deer Hide Spirit Drum - 14 Frame Drum - Frame Drums

Deer - Teaches us to follow its example in unconditional love, kindness & trust. This will help to balance the heart chakra.

an elk drum

Elk - Gives stamina, endurance & the ability to pace oneself. It balances the solar plexus chakra.

Buffalo Hide Spirit Drum - 12 Frame Drum - Frame Drums

Buffalo - Is associated with wisdom and abundance. It's used when we seek wisdom and guidance from the Ancient Ones. Buffalo teaches us to honor the paths of all as we walk with Spirit.

Horse Hide Spirit Drum - Handmade - One of a kind Frame

Horse - Takes its rider between the realms. It is the embodiment of living in balance with all realms & people. Horse teaches us that the gateways to power are compassion, caring, teaching, loving & sharing our gifts.

Moose drum crafted by Angela.

Moose - Is associated with self-esteem. It teaches us to trust ourselves to act in the moment, and to share our joy. Moose helps open the crown chakra to receive information from the divine, and to know when to share what with whom. Moose has not been available for some time. Please Contact Us to get on the waiting list.

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